Komunikasi Antarpribadi Orang Tua dengan Anak Autisme Melalui Pendekatan Metdode Terapi Perilaku

Aldi Triananda, Oji Kurniadi


Children with autism have limitations both in verbal and nonverbal communication. However, these limitations can be reduced through proper treatments. One of the early intervention methods widely applied in Indonesia is behavioral therapy method. However, the interpersonal communication performed by parents to their autistic children is not fully accepted by the children. This study aims to explain how parents use non-verbal communication to their children through behavioral therapy method in dealing with autism children. Besides that, this research also aims to explain how parents use verbal communication to their children through behavioral therapy method in dealing with children with autism. In addition, this research also aims to explain what barriers experienced by parents in using nonverbal and verbal communication to their autistic children through behavioral therapy method use. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a case study approach. This is because the interpersonal communication conducted by parents to their autistic children through an approach of behavioral therapy method is not a common research and is meticulously examined. The writer uses four kinds of data collecting. They are interview, observation, documentation study, and literature study. The writer interviews a psychologist from BPIP Padjadjaran University, and observes Ibu Lisa and her autistic child. Based on the analysis of this research, the nonverbal communication performed by parents to their autistic children shows that the body movement using the index finger performed by parents is meant to point an object. Head movement is used by parents to their autistic children to either respond to an agreement or disagreement. Eye contact done during the therapy process is simultaneously made, started by counting every second of the therapy process session. Besides that, facial expressions frequently shown by parents during the process of behavioral therapy methods are meant to express parents’ expressions of happiness, friendliness and displeasure. The verbal communication used by parents during the process of behavioral therapy is speaking. Parents also pay attention to some things, such as the rate of speech, tone, and intensity (volume) of sound. The barriers experienced in doing non-verbal and verbal communication are unstable children’s mood, poor physical condition, the consistency of the time of behavioral therapy method, high sensitivity, and time shortage.


Nonverbal and verbal communication, Autism, and Behavioral Therapy Method


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Sumber Internet :

http://www.republika.co.id/berita/nasional/umum/13/04/09/mkz2un-112000-anak-indonesia-diperkirakan-menyandang-autisme (diunduh pada 15 Januari 2015 pukul 19.30 WIB)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.1964

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