Penggunaan Logo I-Radio Sebagai Corporate Identity

Verawatie Verawatie, Maya Amalia Oesman Palapah


Corporate identity is urgently needed by all kinds of companies including a radio company. This can be seen in I-Radio, one radio company in Bandung, which runs in the field of broadcasting. I-Radio also owns an obligation to be able to embed the brand to the community through corporate identity from the use of logo. The purpose of this study is to investigate and examine more about the meaning contained in the use of I-Radio logo as a corporate identity and the implementation of I-Radio logo use as Corporate Identity. The data collecting methods used in this study are interview, observation and literature study. The data obtained is analyzed by using data triangulation.The research results show that there is a message to be conveyed through the company's logo, and the Indonesian map symbol in the logo is used as an appeal. In addition, I-Radio also attaches some other company’s aspects through the logo use like in the color choice of I-Radio logo, red, white, and black, symbol signal, symbol of Indonesian map, and the name I-Radio itself and this brings public people easily realize the meaning of the message contained in the I-Radio logo. Besides that, the logo can be directly seen in employee’s business cards, name tags, office cars, uniforms, and many more. It is intended that people can easily identify the I-Radio logo wherever they are.


Corporate Identity, Logo, I-Radio


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