Representasi Brand Ambassador “Clozette.Co.Id†sebagai Website Icon

Nandini Atika Ismi, M.E Fuady

Abstract is a website that correlates with Singapore's main website, which it is the state with the hijab’s user as the minority. Meanwhile, Indonesia is the country with Moslem as the majority and has a lot of hijab’s user, but Indonesia also has a lot of people who don’t use hijab and non-Muslim population. However, why website takes Cassandra Dini, the hijab fashion blogger? Moreover, almost the entire previous brand ambassador of isn’t the hijab’s user. The researcher want to find out what the advantages of Cassandra Dini, that fulfill the criteria to become the one of the brand ambassadors of a big website in Indonesia. Beside that, researcher want to find out what is being done by Cassandra Dini as brand ambassador, to represents the Clozette website. The research data obtained through participatory observation, interview, and documentation. The results obtained by researchers are Clozette Indonesia has a lot of criteria to choose the brand ambassador, example be fashion expert. This website choose Cassandra because her unique side, especially in hijab fashion thing. As brand ambassador, Cassandra Dini do the representation through social media account.


Brand Ambassador,, representation.


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