Hubungan Terpaan Acara Tupperware She Can di Trans 7 Dengan Persepsi Ibu Rumah Tangga

fariz firdaus, Wulan Trigartanti


This thesis entitled The Exposure Relations of Tupperware She Can Show on Trans 7 with The Perception of Housewivesâ€. According to the title, the case that is raised is how the relations between frequency, duration, and intensity of watching the show with the perception of housewives RW 04 Cipaera Kota Bandung The problem identification in this research whether there is a relationship between exposure to the event Tupperware She Can in Trans 7 with the perception of housewives. The aim of this thesis is to find out the relationship between the frequency, duration and intensity of watching Tupperware She Can in Trans 7 with the perception of housewives in the neighborhood of RW 04 Cipaera Bandung. The method that is used in this research is correlational, that is the method to research and to find out the relationship between two variables (variables X and Y variables). In the calculation will be obtained correlation coefficient, it is used to determine whether there is a strong relationship, the direction of the relationship, and matters whether or not its relationship. Correlation method that is used in this research is aimed to test whether there is a relationship between the frequency, duration, and intensity of watching the show with the perception of housewives. In this study, researchers selected respondents are housewives as many as 75 people using a simple sampling technique. The Results of this research revealed that there is a relationship between the frequency of watch, duration of watching, and intensity of the watch with the perception of housewives. Thus, it can be said that watching the show on television with a fairly long period of time can make a perception change. In research is devoted to the perception of housewives to inspiring women, which make them want it that way. Therefore, the frequency of watching, the duration of watching, and intensity of watching Tupperware She Can is based on the results of the research can change the perception of the profession housewife as inspiring.


Exposure Events, Perception, Housewife


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