Kajian Strategi Marketing Public Relations dalam Membangun Citra

Septian Lukman Nursyam, Tresna Wiwitan


Abstract. Marketing Public Relations activities Melinda 2 Bandung percentage to the company that will be called in cooperation with the purpose of establishing good relations by insurance companies, bank, the hospital, and others. In addition, Public Relations Hospital Melinda 2 Bandung in relation with the stakeholders in a visit agency has been working with the routine created 1 months just to give you some of the schedule doctor who always be updated every month. And also had a chance to take some important person to which it is related to assemble to attended a working lunch with the aim that can bring up a positive image of in the sight of stakeholders who were. The house of representatives scoreless draw earlier on sunday to the public as or alternatively that candidates would have no trouble patients a house party hospital provides promos and discounts for to install its own health check up on the day that has been prescribed as national health day, as well as offer a service that maximum extent by if the physical support facilities. The purpose of this research to know pull , push , pass strategy that have been carried out marketing pr hospital melinda 2 in build a positive image. Methods used descriptive aimed at to explain, streamlining a range of conditions, somewhere, arising in the community who are the objects of the research is based on what happened. Data collection of technique. Interview, observation, literature study. The results of the study in pull the hospital Melinda strategy to draw attention of public as a consumer the means of providing a clear full information from our great service, as well as giving full information from our great service through the medium of, and participating in promoting full our great service facilities was in the hospital. Push strategy Melinda 2 created gratification for patients, because in promotion often optimize sales in marketing full our great service directly optimally based on geography or region/the promotion. Pass marketing strategy hospital get trust and customer satisfaction because every day hospitals increase customer service. It has been effective for Melinda 2 in optimizing to get trust and customer satisfaction as the patient so public can form an image positive for the hospital.

Keywords: Marketing Public Relations, Pull, Push, Pass.

Abstrak. Kegiatan Marketing Public Relations RS Melinda 2 Bandung di mulai dari persentasi ke perusahaan yang akan diajak bekerja sama dengan tujuan membangun relasi yang baik dengan perusahaan asuransi, bank, rumah sakit, dan lain sebagainya. Selain itu, Public Relations RS Melinda 2 Bandung menjalin relasi dengan stakeholder dengan cara mengunjungi instansi yang telah bekerja sama dengan menciptakan program rutin 1 bulan sekali hanya untuk memberikan beberapa bingkisan termasuk jadwal dokter yang selalu update setiap bulannya. Dan juga mengajak beberapa orang penting yang terkait untuk berkumpul untuk makan siang bersama dengan tujuan agar bisa memunculkan citra positif di mata stakeholder. Sementara MPR untuk masyarakat sebagai pasien atau calon pasien pihak rumah sakit memberikan promo potongan harga untuk check up kesehatannya di hari yang telah ditentukan seperti hari kesehatan nasional, serta memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal dengan fasilitas pendukung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pull, push, pass strategy yang dilaksanakan Marketing PR RS Melinda 2 dalam membangun citra positif.Metode yang digunakan deskriptif bertujuan untuk menjelaskan, meringkaskan berbagai kondisi, berbagai situasi, yang timbul di masyarakat yang menjadi objek penelitian itu berdasarkan apa yang terjadi. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa. Wawancara, observasi, studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian secara pull rumah sakit Melinda melakukan strategi untuk menarik perhatian masyarakat sebagai konsumen ataupun pasiendengan cara memberikan informasi yang jelas secara full our great service, serta memberikan informasi full our great service melalui Media, dan mengikuti pameran dalam mempromosikan full our great service serta fasilitas yang ada di rumah sakit. Push strategy Melinda 2 telah menciptakan kepuasan bagi pasiennya, karena  pada promosi seringkali mengoptimalkan sales dalam memasarkan full our great service secara langsung secara optimal berdasarkan letak geografis atau wilayah/daerah promosi. Pass strategy marketing rumah sakit mendapatkan kepercayaan  dan  kepuasan  pelanggan karena setiap harinya pihak rumah sakit meningkatkan customer Service. Hal tersebut cukup efektif bagi Melinda 2 dalam mengoptimalkan untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan dan kepuasan konsumen sebagai pasiennya sehingga masyarakat dapat membentuk citra positif bagi rumah sakit tersebut.

Kata Kunci : Marketing Public Relations, Pull, Push, Pass.


Marketing Public Relations, Pull, Push, Pass.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.12595

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