Strategi Media Relations Profesional Pr Perhumas Bpc Bandung Menjalin Hubungan Baik Dengan Pers

Muhammad Tuntas Hizbullah, Ani Yuningsih


Perhumas is a professional of Public Relations and practitioners Communications Indonesia, which was established on December 15, 1972.Perhumas officially been recorded in DEPDAGRI as a national organization of public relations in Indonesia and the International Public Relations Association (IPRA) based in London. Perhumas aimed at improving professional skills, broaden and deepen their knowledge,increase contact and exchange of experience between members and associated with allied organizations at home and abroad, Perhumas not quite complacent about what they have gained over the years. The profession of public relations practitioners must have a shared responsibility to continue to maintain the function and role of organizations in improving the quality of implementation Perhumas public relations in Indonesia .Central Board of Perhumas domiciled in Jakarta, with local officials who spread almost all over the city of Indonesia. However still a lot of public relations practitioners who have a weakness in dealing with the media, they are often wrong in positioning themselves and the company in a position that does not equal or in a depressed position . Then there are many public relations practitioners are still problematic in writing press releases in the media .This study aims to find out how to apply media relations strategy, especially in the Public Relations Department. The study uses qualitative descriptive methods. The main data is obtained by conducting interviews with the public relation practitioners from Perhumas BPC Bandung; and by conducting observation as well as literature review as the secondary data in this study, describe that the main function of public relations is to maintain good relations with the media. Finally , media relations practices undertaken by public relations practitioners from BPC Bandung Perhumas can explain how to manage media relations, developing communication strategies and expand the network with the media


Public Relations, Media Relations, Strategy, Professional.


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Sumber Lain:

Buku Panduan Penyusunan Skripsi, Usulan Penelitian, & Karya Ilmiah, Fikom UNISBA.


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