Peranan Employee Relations Sebagai Fasilitas Peningkatan Kinerja Staf Pengajar

Clarisa Rizkya, Ani Yuningsih


: In an educational institution one of the most important part is the teaching staff, it is due to the teaching staff is the end of the spear from the success of the students because teaching staff have to do directly with their students. The quality of teaching staff need to be considered to provide motivation is bridge all the needs in teaching to the chairman so it can provide teaching better to students. The purpose of this research is to know the motivation by public relations, to know the program conducted by public relations, and to know image of the teaching staff. In this research author using the method of descriptive quantitative, this method is used because it gives a more appropriate for researchers to be able to deliver the phenomenon of whole research supported by the statistical calculations. The theory in this research is a Theory About Human Being from A.H Maslow this theory used because it can explain in depth about immediate needs of humans so it can improve its performance. The result of research show that activities of the motivation by public relations are in good enough category, programs conducted public relations are in the good category, and the illustration of the teaching staff are in the good category.


Employee relations, public relations, motivation.


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