Reinterpretasi Budaya Pada Iklan Intel Visibly Smart

Wiwit Febrianti, Nurrahmawati Nurrahmawati


Advertising is one powerful weapon entrepreneurs to survive in the business world are also trying to raise some advertising value or meaning through the elements of the sign, text, images, or other symbols contained therein. Initiatives to keep the heritage of Indonesia could arise from advertisers. This study, entitled "Re-interpretation of the Ad Culture Intel Visibly Smart". The purpose of this study is to interpret the meaning of a sign is displayed on the ad Visibly Smart Intel based representament, object, interpretant, to determine the function of Public Relations Practices used in advertising Visibly Smart Intel version of Jogja Hiphop Foundation. With the approach of Charles Sanders Pierce Semiotics using triadic models, namely representament, object, and interpretant. Results of this research that this ad tells the merger of the two cultures among hip-hop music with the music of Java. So that the image you want removed are multinational companies such as Intel wants mengangat Indonesian culture, especially Javanese culture.


Advertising, culture, Public Relations, Image


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