Analisis Pendapat Imam Abu Hanifah dan Imam Syafi’i tentang Mahar Berupa Hafalan Al-Qur’an

M. Ikhwanul Muslimin Saida, M. Roji Iskandar, Amrullah Hayatuddin


Abstract. Mahar is an obligation that must be borne by the husband who will marry his wife as a sign of approval and willingness to live together as husband and wife. Generally a dowry is material but Islamic syari'at does not rule out the possibility of a dowry is non-material. In the maximum limit of a dowry of Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Syafi'i agree that there is no maximum limit of dowry but the minimum limit of both differing opinions related to the hadith narrated Sahl bin Sa'ad as-Sa'idiy malaktukaha bima ma'aka min al-Qur'an . Based on the background described, the researchers will examine the things that become the formula and purpose. First, what is the provision of dowry in Islam? Secondly, how is the legal istinbath of Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Shafi'i regarding the giving of dowries in the form of rote Al-Qur'an? Thirdly, how is the granting of dowry a recitation of the Qur'an rather than the dowry in the form of material that occurred in the City of Luwuk Central Sulawesi Province? The type of this thesis research is the type of literature writing with qualitative methods. Sources of data used are primary data obtained directly from the books of fiqh Al-Umm, Syarh Fath al-Qadir, Fiqh Munakahat, and Al-Fiqh Islam wa Adilatuhu and secondary data derived from books, papers, and articles that discuss about dowry is a recitation of the Qur'an. Based on the research, the results obtained as follows: General provisions of dowry both material and non-material may be as long as there is nothing ghasab or unlawful in it. Then in the method of istinbath Imam Abu Hanifah reject the hadith ahad be made hujjah so in the minimum limit of dowry Imam Abu Hanifah opinion 10 dirhams hold on the hadith narrated Jabir bin Abdullah, while Imam Shafi'i received the hadith narrated Sahl bin Sa'ad as-Sa'idiy because it proved sanadnya shahih and strengthened other narrations so that within the minimum limit of dowry Imam Shafi'i not limit. The case of granting dowry that occurred in the city of Luwuk is a memorization of the Qur'an rather than the material is the dread is damaged due to 3 reasons. First, the husband too eases the dowry for no justified reason ie talfiq without understanding the argument in question. Secondly, choosing to give dowry in the form of non-material than the material when capable and proven dowry given damaged is not the teaching of the verses of the Qur'an but give the recitation of the Qur'an. Third, the husband is not a person who has the capacity to teach al-Qur'an.

Keyword: Comparasion of opinion, Dowry, Memorization of  Qur’an

Abstrak. Mahar merupakan suatu kewajiban yang harus dipikul oleh suami yang akan menikahi istri sebagai tanda persetujuan dan kerelaan untuk hidup bersama sebagai suami istri. Umumnya suatu mahar bersifat materi namun syari’at Islam tidak menutup kemungkinan suatu mahar bersifat non-materi. Dalam batas maksimal suatu mahar Imam Abu Hanifah dan Imam Syafi’i sepakat bahwa tidak ada batas maksimal mahar namun batas minimal keduanya berbeda pendapat terkait hadits riwayat Sahl bin Sa’ad as-Sa’idiy malaktukaha bima ma’aka min al-Qur’an. Berdasarkan latar belakang yang diuraikan tersebut, maka peneliti akan meneliti hal yang menjadi rumusan dan tujuannya. Pertama, bagaimana ketentuan mahar dalam Islam? Kedua, bagaimana istinbath hukum Imam Abu Hanifah dan Imam Syafi’i tentang pemberian mahar berupa hafalan al-Qur’an? Ketiga, bagaimana pemberian mahar berupa hafalan al-Qur’an daripada mahar berupa materi yang terjadi di Kota Luwuk Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah? Jenis penelitian skripsi ini adalah jenis penulisan kepustakaan dengan metode kualitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang diperoleh langsung dari kitab-kitab fiqh Al-Umm, Syarh Fath al-Qadir, Fiqh Munakahat, serta Al-Fiqh Islam wa Adilatuhu dan data sekunder yang berasal dari buku, makalah, serta artikel yang membahas tentang mahar berupa hafalan al-Qur’an. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: Ketentuan umum mahar baik materi dan non-materi boleh selama tidak ada terlarang oleh syariat. Kemudian dalam metode istinbath Imam Abu Hanifah menolak hadits ahad dijadikan hujjah sehingga dalam batas minimal mahar Imam Abu Hanifah berpendapat 10 dirham berpegang pada hadits yang diriwayatkan Jabir bin Abdullah, sedangkan Imam Syafi’i menerima hadits riwayat Sahl bin Sa’ad as-Sa’idiy karena terbukti sanadnya shahih dan dikuatkan riwayat lain sehingga dalam batas minimal mahar Imam Syafi’i tidak memberi batasan. Kasus pemberian mahar yang terjadi di kota Luwuk yaitu berupa hafalan al-Qur’an daripada materi adalah maharnya rusak disebabkan 3 alasan. Pertama, suami terlalu mempermudah mahar tanpa alasan yang dibenarkan yaitu talfiq tanpa memahami dalil yang dimaksud. Kedua, memilih memberikan mahar berupa non-materi daripada materi disaat mampu dan terbukti mahar yang diberikan rusak yaitu bukanlah pengajaran ayat al-Qur’an melainkan memberikan hafalan al-Qur’an. Ketiga, suami bukanlah orang yang memiliki kapasitas dalam memberikan pengajaran al-Qur’an.

Kata Kunci: Perbandingan Pendapat, Mahar, Hafalan al-Qur’an


Perbandingan Pendapat, Mahar, Hafalan al-Qur’an

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