Pengaruh Marketing Mix terhadap Peningkatan Omzet Ditinjau dari Konsep Pemasaran Islam di Pt. Bonli Cipta Sejahtera Kota Bandung

Hilda Farida, Eva Misfah Bayuni, Ira Siti Rohmah Maulida


Abstract. Islamic marketing is a business activity that aims to plan, promote and distribute goods or services based on honesty, fairness, openness and sincerity which are based on Islamic business transactions. This study aims to determine the Islamic marketing strategy that is implemented in an effort to increase the turnover of PT. Bonli Cipta Sejahtera and to know the effect of the marketing strategy applied to the turnover of PT. Bonli Cipta Sejahtera. The method in this study uses descriptive quantitative methods with data collection techniques questionnaires and interviews. The samples taken in this study were 50 respondents with accidental sampling. The data analysis technique used in this study is the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing using SPSS 26.0 for windows. The research results, PT. Bonli Cipta Sejahtera applies a marketing mix or marketing mix. In implementing the marketing mix strategy, PT. Bonli Cipta Sejahtera has not fully implemented the Islamic marketing concept. And the results of data processing with SPSS for windows show that the marketing mix strategy has a positive and significant effect of 38% on sales turnover of Ina Cookies PT. Bonli Cipta Sejahtera..

Keywords: Islamic marketing strategy, sales turnover.


Islamic marketing strategy, sales turnover.

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