The Influence of MANDIRI BANGKIT Program on the Improvement of Productive Business Performance of Poor Mustahik Zakat in PZU Bandung

Hana Khoerunnisa, Asep Ramdan Hidayat, Zaini Abdul Malik


The concept of empowerment of SMEs has started in Indonesia in 1970 AD, in order to improve the lives of Indonesian society. However, the poor will never missed in a country, because people have become part of the poor is a kalamullah (word of God). Program of SMEs through zakat is one way to improve the performance of micro. PZU City Center Bandung is present as amil zakat institutions. It manages zakat that is expected to be an intermediary for the giver of zakat (muzzaki) in the empowerment of the people. Therefore, people who are below the poverty line can be mentally and financially independent. Based on the background of the problem, and then propose the problem in the form of questions as follows: What Empowerment Concepts Micro? How Concepts BANKIT in PZU in improving SMEs ?, How to Influence Rise Program on the performance of micro enterprises mustahik Zakat (poor) in the Central Zakat Ummah? The method used here is descriptive; the research outlines the existing conditions and provides an analysis of the phenomenon. Engineering studies using quantitative data analysis techniques based on the results of statistical analysis. In this case, examine the extent of the optimization of the productive utilization of zakat by PKPU Bandung on empowering Mustahiq. The result of this research is the implementation of the productive utilization of Zakat funds in the empowerment mustahiq in PZU Bandung performed at the People Program Mandiri BANKIT as zakat distribution in the form of training, financial coaching, mentoring, and relocating businesses. In addition, People Program Mandiri BANKIT in improving business performance micro Mustahiq zakat Poor in PZU Bandung is good.


Empowerment Concept, SMEs Concept, and Productive Zakat


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