The Effect of Performance Appraisal on Employee Productivity in Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Ahmad Yani Bandun

Ramadhan Try Anggoro, Asep Ramdan Hidayat, Nurdin Nurdin


One indicator of the success of a company lies on the Quality of Human Resources. Similarly, the Islamic banks, human resources held by Islamic banks must have the capacity to execute any banking transaction, considering the service factor that is provided by these employees determine the success or failure of the bank to the next. Advances in technology also helped play an important role in the provision of quality human resources for banks. Bank Syariah Mandiri no supporting employees with job performance appraisal or commonly called the Performance Appraisal conducted quarterly and yearly. There are some problems of this research. They cover the Performance Appraisal, Employee Productivity, Performance Appraisal and the influence of employee productivity in bank Mandiri Syariah Branch Office Ahmad Yani Bandung. This study aims to determine the concept of Performance Appraisal in Bank Syariah Mandiri. How Bank Syariah Mandiri employees can improves work productivity. In addition, it covers the Performance Appraisal influence on the productivity of employees at Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Ahmad Yani Bandung. Research methods used in this research is descriptive analytical method. Data collection techniques used interviews, literature study, and questionnaire. Data analysis is quantitative, and to find the influence of independent and dependent variables using simple regression analysis, hypothesis, and the coefficient of determination. The results show that the performance appraisal has been in line with expectations. It is also implemented properly. As for the employee's productivity, performance appraisal is one indicator of labor productivity enhancers. From the results of the t test and the coefficient of determination can be concluded that there are significant between the Performance Appraisal and productivity of employees, and the degree of influence is 27.4% and the remaining 72.6% is influenced by other factors not examined by the author.


Performance Appraisal, Work Productivity, Human Resources Quality


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