The Analysis of Islamic Transaction on Transactions of Used Clothing in Gedebage Market of Bandung

Dellany Essandha Olivia, Asep Ramdan Hidayat, Titin Suprihatin


In the matter of buying and selling, know the rules gharar is important, because many of the problems of buying and selling sourced from obscurity and their betting element in it. Experts agree that the gharar in various business contracts defect makes the contract but they did not agree on issues related to a specific issue concerning the amount and quality of the goods that can cause gharar. One of them on is the Gedebage market, in which thrift sale and purchase transactions in bulk are occurred. Of the transaction was seen their gharar i.e. transactions in the form of sacks or bales without looking at the quality and quantity of clothes. Based on the background of the problem, then the problems are in the form of the following questions. (1) How does the concept of buying and selling in Islam? How is the buying or selling of used clothing in Gedebage Market Bandung? How the analysis of buying and selling in Islam against the sale and purchase of used clothing in bulk at Gedebage Market Bandung? The method used in the preparation of this research is to use descriptive analytical method, which examines the implementation and practice of buying and selling second-hand clothes contract between traders in the Market Master Gedebage PT Javana Artha Mandiri in terms of buying and selling according to the provisions of Islam. The conclusion of this study is the concept of buying and selling in Islam is basically permissible or allowed to do all of these activities is based with the values taught by Islam. Buying and selling used clothing in bulk at Market Gedebage Bandung in general is based on trust of each party, both parties PT Javana Arta Perkasa as the seller and retail merchants in the Market Master Gedebage as a buyer and a system that used a form of habit since old (Al Urf). In addition, the practice of buying and selling second-hand clothes in the Market Gedebage in Bandung using the contract system is not in accordance with the provisions of Islamic law. The reason the discrepancy mentioned is based, because of the vagueness of the objects traded, encouraging speculation and fraud in the elements.


Purchase, Gharar, and Khiyar.


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