The Performance Analysis of Customer Service on Customer Satisfaction in iB Maslahah Saving Account Opening at PT Bank Jabar Banten Syariah Branch Office Margaasih

Maya Fitriyani, Asep Ramdan Hidayat, Susilo Setyawan


Factors customer service into one of the spearheads of Islamic banks in order to encourage customers has the satisfaction and be loyal to sharia bank product concerned. These conditions require management BJB Syariah KCP Margaasih to be able to bring optimum service from the Customer Service to foster a feeling of satisfaction for its customers. It is realized BJB Syariah management because without good service from the Customer Service inevitably customers will switch to a competitor bank. To measure the service performance of Customer Service at BJB Syariah Margaasih KCP can be measured from the dimension that includes the availability of infrastructure (tangible), empathy (empathy), reliability (reliability), responsiveness (responsiveness), and a guarantee (assurance). Based on the background of the problem, then the problem is formulated to form the following questions: How does the performance of Customer Service in the account opening iB Maslahah of PT. Bank Jabar Banten Syariah Branch Office Margaasih? What is the level of customer satisfaction in account opening iB Maslahah PT. Bank Jabar Banten Syariah Branch Office Margaasih? In addition, how is the Customer Service performance analysis on customer satisfaction in account opening iB Maslahah PT. Bank Jabar Banten Syariah Branch Office Margaasih? The method used in this research is descriptive method, which is a method that seeks to collect data in accordance with the actual situation, deliver, and analyze them so as to provide a fairly clear picture of the object under study and then it can be deduced. In this case the practice of researching savings products iB Maslahah that the services are performed by Customer Service at BJB Syariah Margaasih KCP and its influence on customer satisfaction. The conclusion of this study indicate Customer Service Performance in opening a savings account iB Maslahah PT. Bank Jabar Banten Syariah Branch Office Margaasih based on research results showed that service performance has been good. And the level of clients' satisfaction, especially on products Savings iB Maslahah against BJB Syariah institutions occurred as a result of the relationship between customers and Customer Service directly.


Customer Performance, Customer Satisfaction, iB Maslahah


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