The Effect of Total Mudhorobah Deposits against the Revenue of Total Mudhorobah Revenue Sharing at PT Bank Mega Syariah

Siti Rina Setiawati, Neneng Nurhasanah, Azib Azib


Financing has a very important role in managing the deposits, because the financing is the biggest part of the income of the bank and may affect the customer received revenue share as the owner of the funds. If banks are not able to disburse the funding, while the funds collected from shahibulmaal (third party funds) continues to grow, there will be more funds idle (unemployed), which can affect the revenue margin revshare. It also will affect the reduction in third party funds in Islamic banks. Bank Mega Syariah from year to year has increased while the number of revshare mudharabah development has decreased this means the increase in mudaraba deposits was not followed by a rise mudaraba revshare. The purpose of this study was to determine the development of the amount of deposits mudaraba, knowing the development of revenues amount to mudharabah. In addition, it is to know how big influence on the acceptance of mudaraba deposits on the mudaraba profit sharing amount. The method used in this research is descriptive method with quantitative approach verification. The data analysis used linear regression, correlation and to determine the contribution of the amount of mudaraba deposits on mudaraba revshare used formula determination coefficients. The hypothesis was tested in two sides with a significance level of 5%. The results of this analysis were gained from IBM SPSS Statistics software Version 22. the results showed that (1) development of deposits mudaraba PT. Bank Mega Syariah has fluctuated, with the lowest value of 13.39% and the highest value is 15.62%, while the average value is 14.6820% with a standard deviation of 0.64408. (2) The development of revenue sharing mudaraba at PT. Bank Mega Syariah has fluctuated, with the lowest value was 10.10% and the highest value is 12.55% and the average value of 11.7587% with a standard deviation of 0.69441. (3) The test results were obtained by t test hypothesis sig.0,002 value. This value is smaller than the probability value of 0.05 (0.002; 0.005), then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Mudharabah deposits have t calculate equal to 4.931 is then compared with t table obtained from t distribution table with a significance level of 5% or 0.05.


Mudhorobah, Deposit, Profit Sharing


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