The Effect of Inflation Rate on Customer Interest at Retail Sukuk Products Serie 004 at Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Ahmad Yani Bandung

Selvi Dwi Yanti


The inflation rate in Indonesia affects the circulation of money. This certainly can be specifically linked to investors' appetite for sukuk. Aside from the macro-economic factors, interest of investors can also be seen from the circulation of money at this time when the dollar rises. Thus, the author would like to associate circulation of money in the present which impact on the level of inflation with the interest of investors to purchase the retail sukuk in the city of Bandung, especially investors in BSM KC Ahmad Yani. Based on the background of the problem, the formulation of the problem and research objectives cover the inflation in Indonesia 2013 - 2015, customer interest in the product retail sukuk series 004 in the Bank Syariah Mandiri branch Ahmad Yani 2013 -2015, and the effect of inflation on customer interest in the product Retail Sukuk Series 004 at Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Ahmad Yani. The research method used by writer is a verification method. Verification method is intended to test the truth of a hypothesis or a phenomenon that is done through data collection in the field. In this case, the verification study aims to determine the effect of the inflation rate in the city of Bandung to investors conducting investment in investment instruments Retail Sukuk in Bank Syariah Mandiri branch Ahmad Yani Bandung. The conclusion of this study showed the inflation rate in Indonesia in the period 2013 - 2015 fluctuated. The customers 'interest in the product retail sukuk series 004 Bank Syariah Mandiri branch Ahmad Yani year period from 2013 to 2015 was very volatile, and the inflation rate in Indonesia in the period 2013-2015 affect the interest of customers' interest in the product of sukuk retail serie 004 of Bank Syariah Mandiri branch Ahmad Yani.


Investment, Inflation, Sukuk, and Customer Interests


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