The Analysis of DSN-MUI Fatwa on the Determination of Ijarah Cost in the System of the Pawn Sharia Provided by Islamic Pawnshop of Situsaeur Bandung

Anesa Arispen, Asep Ramdan Hidayat, Zaini Abdul Malik


Islamic pawnshop is a modern company whose purpose is to facilitate the provision of loans with sharia law and eradicate moneylender without us knowing it was already rampant among the community. In running the business pawn sharia, Islamic pawnshop guided by the fatwa of the National Sharia Council (DSN), which is the regulatory body of Islamic financial institutions banks, non-bank formed by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) DSN directly related to services of pawnshops Islamic Fatwa DSN No.25 / DSN-MUI / III / 2002 About Pledge (rahn). Based on the background of the problems that have presented, then pulled formulation of the problem covers (1) the costing of Ijarah in syariah pawn based on the Fatwa of National Sharia Board; (2) the implementation of costing Ijarah product of sharia in Islamic pawnshop pawn Situsaeur; (3) the analysis of the National Sharia Board fatwa No.25/DSN/MUI/III/2002 concerning the determination of the cost of the product Ijarah Islamic pawn Situsaeur Islamic pawnshop. The purpose of this study was to determine the DSN-MUI Fatwa analysis to determine the cost of Ijarah products that do syariah pawn Islamic pawnshop. This study used descriptive qualitative method that illustrates and describes the data collected. The data was obtained from documents and interviews with employees of pawnshops sharia. Source data extracted from primary and secondary data obtained from related literature from the problems. Based on the results of the study can be summarized as follows. (1) Maintenance and storage marhun become rahin obligations. (2) the implementation of costing in pawn Islamic Ijarah Islamic pawnshop Situsaeur are in accordance with the DSN Fatwa No.25/DSN/MUI/III/2002, but still not up because there is no notice to the customer about their discount Ijarah. (3) According to the National Sharia Board Fatwa No.25/DSN/MUI/2002, the cost of maintenance and storage marhun are not determined based on the amount of the loan.


The Determination of Ijarah Cost, National Sharia Board Fatwa, Islamic Pawnshop


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