The Analysis of Zakat Management in Effort to Increase the Welfare of Mustahiq In the National Zakat Agency

Fatimah Rahmawati, Asep Ramdan Hidayat, Titin Suprihatin


Zakat can be a source of potential funds used to promote the welfare of the entire community. BAZ presence or LAZ is expected able to build a society that is prosperous, just, and prosperous. The reality is BAZNAS Cimahi not maximize its role as the governing body of professional channeling zakat, especially in the welfare mustahiq. The purpose of this study was to determine the concept of zakat management in an effort to improve the welfare mustahiq, know the management of zakat and welfare mustahiq in BAZNAS Cimahi knows zakat management analysis in an effort to improve the welfare mustahiq in BAZNAS Cimahi. The method used is descriptive qualitative analysis. Engineering data was collected by distributing questionnaires to a number of mustahiq BAZNAS Cimahi who have received aid charity fund, interviews and direct observation in the field. Source data used is primary data, interviews and secondary data in the form of books and the internet. The results of the research that has been done is the utilization of zakat in BAZNAS Cimahi focus on providing outstanding facilities such as scholarships, mobile libraries and mobile clinics cars. Mustahiq welfare has increased after receiving assistance from the Zakat funds BAZNAS Cimahi. BAZNAS Cimahi has not been able to do productive utilization of zakat though welfare mustahiq increased due to lack of administrators and officers in zakat management.


Zakat Management, Welfare Mustahiq


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