The Influence of Hajj Saving Deposit Product to the Customer Interests to Perform Hajj After the Closure of Hajj Bailout At PT Bank BRI Syariah of Bandung Cijerah Branch

Neng Ratu, Neneng Nurhasanah, Nunung Nurhayati


Islamic banking is currently present as the supporting sectors of economic needs of the Islamic community. Various products related to the Hajj were offered, of which finance bailouts and fund savings hajj pilgrimage. However, in practice, the hajj financing bailouts instead become a major problem causing a surge in interest of customers who wish to perform the pilgrimage to obtain a seat booking fast. Therefore, the government then banned the Bank receiving the deposit to provide financing bailout Hajj. The prohibition against the provision of financing bailouts make the Hajj pilgrimage as the foundation of customer savings divert income paid-for savings. The focus of this research is the amount of customer interest in BRI Syariah Cijerah on hajj savings after Hajj bailout had been closed. This is because at Bank BRI Syariah Cijerah, customers' interest on savings hajj is still the same as before the bailout Hajj closed. After the bailout Hajj closed, one of the main factors for Area BRI Syariah Cijerah, the majority of non-Muslim citizens. Therefore, the bailout does not affect hajj savings. Based on the background of the problem, formulation and objectives of this study are as follows. (1). How to fund product development hajj savings at Bank Syariah BRI KCP Cijerah after bailout Hajj closed? (2) How to drive customers who wish to perform the Hajj pilgrimage by using saving product after Hajj bailout had been closed. (3) How much is the influence of hajj saving product to customers' interest to perform the pilgrimage after the Hajj bailout had been closed? The purpose of this study was to determine the answer to the problem formulated. The method used is descriptive analysis with quantitative approach. This study aims to explain the relationship, to test the hypothesis, make predictions, acquire meaning, and assess the implications of the problems associated with the effect of savings products to customers' interest hajj pilgrimage. The results showed that (1) the development of hajj savings fluctuated; (2) The interest of customers using hajj savings fluctuated with interest tend to be large, (3) there is significant influence between savings products to customers' interest hajj pilgrimage 34.1%.


Hajj Savings Product, Customer Interests, Hajj


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