The Overview of Islamic Law on the Revenue and Distribution of Non-Halal Fund in PT Bank Syariah Mandiri

Syifa Nadiyyah, Neneng Nurhasanah, Nunung Nurhayati


Islamic banking is a financial institution that has the function of operating as a collector and distributor of funds, as well as banking services provider that is based on Islamic law that increases the standard of people's economic and social goals. This has been done for example to distribute and manage infaq and shadaqah through qardhul hasan. It is the principle of loans to the needy and restores the principal amount received at a predetermined time. In the Islamic financial institutions, reports qardhul hasan funds are separately presented in the statement of sources and uses of funds qardhul hasan in which there are components of the recognition and measurement of the sources of the funds obtained and the use of funds qardhul hasan. Judging from acceptance, funding sources of virtue or commonly referred to qardh funds can come from external or internal. Internal funding sources include infaq, sadaqah, and hibah (grant). External funding sources include funds received qardh business entities of other parties such as fines and results of non-halal revenue funds e.g. bank interest and so forth. Non-halal revenue received from other entities with the utilization of funds there is a rule of akhaffu dhararain (take harm smaller) when compared with the fund if there and utilized by financial institutions of non-Muslims.


Islamic Law, Revenue and Distribution, Non-Halal Fund


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