The Effect of Gold Pawn Product Understanding on the Buying Decision in Bank Syariah Mandiri of Garut Branch (a Case Study on Elementary Teachers in Pasirwangi District of Garut)

Ratih Permatasari, Zaini Abdul Malik, Nurdin Nurdin


Gold mortgage product at Bank Syariah Mandiri is banking product that distributes funds in the form of guarantees and collateral based on the qard principle with valuable items such as gold as collateral for debts of customers. Understanding of gold mortgage products is the understanding that is owned by someone related to the features and mechanisms of gold mortgage products. In addition, knowledge of the operational principle of the gold pawning an understanding on the principles of sharia operational underlies gold mortgage products. While buying decision one of them happened because of the level of understanding on a particular product. This study aims to know how the understanding of the teachers against pledge of gold product in BSM Garut Branch, How to product purchasing decisions BSM Garut Branch gold pawn among elementary school teachers, and the extent to which understanding of the product pawning gold in BSM Garut Branch against purchasing decisions among elementary school teachers. The method used in this research is descriptive method quantitative analysis.


Gold Pawn, Purchase Decision, Bank Syariah Mandiri


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