Marketing Strategy Implementation Effectiveness by Arisan System for the Products “Mulia†in Improving Customer Numbers of PT Pegadaian Syariah of Pajajaran Branch

Lala Badrina Alfilaila, Asep Ramdan Hidayat, Aan Julia


Marketing strategy with a social arisan system is seen to increase the number of customers on the product MULIA as viewed from the Indonesian culture. MULIA is an acronym for the Murabaha Logam Mulia Untuk Investasi Abadi (Murabaha of Precious Metal for Long Term Investment ). This study aims to determine marketing strategies that are used, and to determine whether the arisan system can increase the number of customers of MULIA, as well as to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the arisan system applied on product MULIA is able to influence the development of customer numbers. The method used is descriptive analysis with quantitative data analysis. The author tested the hypothesis based on two different test average - average independent using independent samples t-test. The marketing strategy is carried out using three variables, namely marketing mix, product strategy, distribution strategy, and promotional strategies. MULIA customer numbers have increased every year. In 2012 the increase in the number of customers at least that is only 12.14%, when seen in the table of gold prices in 2012 increased by 9.01% due to the strengthening of the dollar (US) and the weakening of the rupiah. While the largest increase occurred in 2014, namely 27.52% since the start of the new 2014 arisan program and got a good response from customers. The marketing strategy by arisan system significantly influences the growth of the number of customers. It happened because the gathering gives convenience to the public to attract people to join the program.


Marketing, Arisan, number of customers


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