Implementasi Produk Uang Elektronik (E-Money) di Bank Syariah Mandiri Ditinjau Berdasarkan Fatwa DSN-MUI No : 116/DSN-MUI/IX/2017 tentang Uang Elektronik Syariah

Karina Septiani, Asep Ramdan Hidayat, Ifa Hanifia Senjiati


Abstract. The development of Electronic Money in Indonesia grew rapidly from 2010. In this case, Bank Mandiri Syariah (BSM) supports the implementation of non-cash payment via Mandiri Syariah e-Money card. Implementation of BSM E-Money product from observation and observation by author there is a phenomenon where the customer feel objection to the cost of top-up electrical money. With regard to the top-up cost with the nominal difference of top-up filling by the customer with the balance on the electronic money of BSM E-Money, the excess can be indicated by usury if there is no clarity of the contract. Based on the background that has been described above, the focus of problem analysis is formulated in the form of questions as follows: First, How the concept of Fatwa DSN-MUI No: 116 / DSN-MUI / IX / 2017 About Sharia Electronic Money, Second, How to implement e-money products in Bank Syariah Mandiri, Third, And how does the DSN-MUI Fatwa review No: 116 / DSN-MUI / IX / 2017 About Syariah Electronic Money on e-money in Bank Syariah Mandiri. The research method used is by using normative juridical and fikh juridical study contained in the Fatwa DSN-MUI Number: 116 / DSN-MUI / IX / 20I7 About Electronic Money Sharia related e-money products in BSM KCP Dago Bandung. Conclusions from this study; first, due to side streaming law that occurs in the The conclusion of this research is the concept of Fatwa DSN-MUI No: 116 / DSN-MUI / IX / 2017 About Electronic Money Sharia organizes and clarifies the positions of the parties involved include sharia banks, cardholders and merchants in the use of electronic money applications which is reinforced by different contracting models in the use of transactions between such parties, the e-money product in Bank Syariah Mandiri is a smart card-based card that can be purchased by customers in Bank Syariah Mandiri, and generally speaking that the implementation of product e-money BSM in Bank Syariah Mandiri has not fulfilled all the elements contained in the Fatwa DSN-MUI No: 116 / DSN-MUI / IX / 2017 that is part of the Special Conditions related to the loss of E-money card.

Keywords : Electronic Money, Akad and Bank Syariah.


Abstrak. Perkembangan Uang Elektronik di Indonesia berkembang pesat dari mulai pada tahun 2010. Dalam hal ini, Bank Mandiri Syariah (BSM) mendukung implementasi pembayaran non-tunai melalui kartu Mandiri Syariah e-Money. Implementasi produk BSM E-Money terdapat fenomena dimana pihak nasabah merasa keberatan dengan penambahan biaya top-up uang elektrik tersebut. Terkait penambahan biaya top-up tersebut maka hal tersebut dapat terindikasi riba apabila tidak terdapat kejelasan akad dan menimbulkan polemik di masyarakat mengenai kartu e-Money BSM. Berdasarkan latar belakang diatas, maka analisa permasalahan dirumuskan ke dalam bentuk pertanyaan berikut : Pertama, Bagaimana konsep Fatwa DSN-MUI No: 116/DSN-MUI/IX/2017 Tentang Uang Elektronik Syariah, Kedua, Bagaimana implementasi produk e-money di Bank Syariah Mandiri, Dan Ketiga, bagaimana tinjauan Fatwa DSN-MUI No: 116/DSN-MUI/IX/2017 Tentang Uang Elektronik Syariah terhadap e-money di Bank Syariah Mandiri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan pendekataan yuridis normatif dan kajian fikih yang tertuang dalam Fatwa DSN-MUI Nomor:116/DSN-MUI/IX/20I7 Tentang Uang Elektronik Syariah terkait produk e-money di BSM KCP Dago Kota Bandung Hasil dari peneilitian ini adalah konsep Fatwa DSN-MUI No: 116/DSN-MUI/IX/2017 Tentang Uang Elektronik Syariah mengatur dan memperjelas kedudukan pihak-pihak yang dalam penggunaan aplikasi uang elektronik dengan dipertegas oleh model akad-akad yang berbeda dalam penggunaan transaksi antar pihak-pihak tersebut, produk e-money di Bank Syariah Mandiri merupakan kartu berbasis smart card, dan secara umum dapat dikatakan bahwa pelaksanaan produk e-money BSM pada Bank Syariah Mandiri belum memenuhi seluruh unsur yang termaktub didalam Fatwa DSN-MUI No: 116/DSN-MUI/IX/2017 yaitu bagian Ketentuan Khusus terkait kehilangan kartu E-money.

Kata Kunci : Uang Elektronik, Akad dan Bank Syariah


Uang Elektronik, Akad dan Bank Syariah

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