Criminal Law Policy on The Prevention Crime Desecration of Religion in The Framework of Indonesian Criminal Legal Revision

Debi Kurniawan Syah, Dini Dewi Heniarti


Pancasila is the ideology and philosophy of the Indonesian nation and  the source of all law sources of the State of Indonesia. The First Pancasila is "Belief in One Supreme God", is an acknowledgment that the Indonesian State views religion as one of the main pillars of human life and for the nation of Indonesia is the joint of the State's life. Therefore, the legal protection for the existence of legal interest for every citizen of that State, then the provisions on religious offense must be regulated and protected in criminal law. Based on the above ideas, it can be formulated several problems, namely how the regulation of the criminal act of defamation of religion in Indonesia and how the criminal law policy in RKUHP to Prevent and / or Cope with the Crime of Blasphemy. The research method used normative juridical which focuses on secondary data with analysis descriptive specification, that is explaining about the applicable law and criminal law policy to be taken in overcoming the crime of defamation of religion. Analysis data used is qualitative analysis method. Whereas the a quo law is no longer effective so that revisions and restrictions that can be made on freedom of religion are necessary. There are several important phrases in this law that need to be clarified to avoid multiple interpretations of "The teachings of religion", "deviant interpretations", "deviant religious activities". The criminal law policy in RKUHP regarding religious defamation needs to be reviewed especially on the category of punishable acts and sanctions that can be imposed on the act of contempt of religion since the purpose of punishment has been formulated specifically in line with Article 54 of the Criminal Code 2008. Therefore, the criminal law policy is necessary Reviewed to achieve the expected objectives in tackling the criminal act of religious humiliation.


Desecration Of Religion, Religion, Criminal Legal Revision


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Sumber Lain-lain :

Dini Dewi Heniarti, Formulation Policy of Criminal Sanction in Indonesian Criminal Justice System, Intenational Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Tecnology, Vol.6 , No:5, 2015., diakses pada hari Rabu 2 Agustus 2017 pukul 05.00 WIB


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