Channeling Financing Micro-Model Service Unit (ULaMM) PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) Arrowroot for Micro Enterprises in Order to The Development of Small and Micro Enterprises Connected with The Act No. 20 Year 2008 of Micro, Small and Medium-Sized JO Act No. 19 Year 2003 about State-Owned Enterprises.

Andry Faisal, Yeti Sumiati


PT Permodalan Nasional Madani ULaMM, i.e. the product which was launched in an effort to bridge the UMK in offender limitations get access to financing. but the fact that there are factors that inhibit the process of granting financing facility against perpetrators of UMK, there is a difference in terms of mechanisms and procedures that are different than what is indicated in the terms and procedures that are offered before, the result will not be terakomodasikanya the purpose of the ACT and the ACT on STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES, SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES that is to grow and develop the business in order to build the national economy. This research is to know the process of administering the distribution of pembiayan for micro micro model service unit (UlaMM) PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) Arrowroot is connected to find out how the supervision of the distribution of financing for micro enterprises conducted by the relevant parties in the framework of the development of small medium enterprises of micro model service unit (ULaMM) PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (persero) in garut. Research methods are empirical approach with normative, descriptive in nature, using primary data and secondary data, in the writing of this thesis throughout the data obtained are then organized systematically for further analyzed in order to achieve clarity issues addressed concerning channelling of financing micro model service unit (UlaMM) PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) Arrowroot and how supervision in the framework of the development of the SME research results from Channeling Channelling Pembiayan for micro and small has done a particularly late PT. ULaMM has supported and mengakomondasi the goals and philosophyof the ACT that mandated SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES, that is, to grow and develop the SME business in order to build the national economy. Then against the supervision of Distribution Pembiayan for micro and small from ULaMM, performed by four (4) isntansi the first directly under the supervision of the Ministry of STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES both in internal company by the Board of Commissioners of the third HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES passes a work Committee (Panja) and fourth OJK supervision and monitoring reports periodically submitted financial institutions, reports on examination results and other information.


Channeling Financing and supervision; PT. PMN (persero)


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Peraturan Perundang-Undangan:

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