International Laws on The State Responsibility of Transboundary Air Pollution and Implementation in Indonesia

Danny Febrian Ramadhan


Transboundary air pollution can be defined as the pollution from a fixed state, by crossing the border through the air that can cause damage to the environment in other countries. Environmental issues commonly found in a country, in relation to the development of a country is not uncommon to intersect with the interests of the environment should be protected. Land and forest fires that occurred in Indonesia is increasingly gaining international attention and should be followed up immediately. Land and forest fires not only cause harm to the country of origin of a fire, but also affected the other countries in the form of smoke pollution across borders. Forest fires are a regular occurrence in Indonesia and an issue that has long been owned by Indonesia, which Indonesia has a large tropical rain forest. Environmental problem does not actually exist recognize state borders and administrative areas. The impact of wildfires in the form of air pollution are felt not only Indonesia but has often led to pollution of transboundary smoke into the territory of neighboring countries


The setting of International Law, State Responsibility, Transboundary Air Pollution



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