Recognition of Children Outside The Law on Number 1 Year 1974 on Marriage Jo Law Number 24 Year 2013 Regarding Population Administration Connected with Decision Of The Court No: 519 / PDT.P / 2015 / PN.BDG

Rizki Muhammad Ikbal


Child recognition is a recognition made by the father of a child born outside marriage. Recognition of a child by law is a form of information from a man expressing recognition of his children. Meanwhile, according to the recognition of material is child acknowledgment is a legal act to cause a familial relationship between children by admitting it without questioning who fertilized or membenihkan women who gave birth to the child. So, the emphasis is not on who fertilizes and nourishes the woman, but to her confession so that it becomes the source of the birth of that family. With that recognition, the recognized child becomes a legitimate child and is entitled to the inheritance of the man who acknowledges it. To clarify the issues to be discussed in this study, the identification of the problem to be studied is as follows: (1) How is the regulation of child recognition outside marriage based on Law Number 1 Year 1974 regarding Marriage jo Law Number 24 Year 2013 regarding Population Administration ? (2) What is the basis of Judge's consideration in the recognition of the child outside of marriage according to the Court Decision Number 519 / Pdt.P / 2015 / PN.Bdg? There are several objectives to be known from the results of this study, among others: (1) To know, analyze and understand the procedures for the implementation of acknowledgment of children outside marriage pursuant to Law Number 1 Year 1974 on Marriage jo Law Number 24 Year 2013 On Population Administration (2) To know, analyze and understand judges' considerations regarding the recognition of children outside of marriage. The usefulness that can be obtained from the results of this study are as follows: (1) Theoretical usefulness of the results of this study is expected to increase the knowledge and insight writers in the development of legal science and civil law in particular regarding the recognition and endorsement of children outside marriage. (2) Practical usefulness of the results of this study is expected to be useful and add knowledge and thought contribution for institutions, academics, legal practitioners and other disciplines as well as the wider community in terms of recognition of children outside marriage.


Marriage, children, recognition of children outside marriage



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