The Spatial Management In Husein Sastranegara Airport Based on Law of The Republic Indonesia Number 26 Year 2007 on Concerning Spatial Management Linked to Standard Qualification of Airport

Danny Indrawan, Lina Jamila


Airports in Indonesia viewed from the aspect of security is currently not maximized because of the runway length and airport layout is not in accordance with the standards. The government should play an active role in improving the means of pre-facilities to support appropriate transportation in accordance with the standards, so as to meet the safety standards and comfort of passengers as well as the settlement of residents around the airport. The problem to be studied is Husein Sastranegara Airport Spatial Planning whether it is in accordance with the applicable provisions, How Husein Sastranegara Airport Spatial Mechanism if associated with Law Number 26 Year 2007 About Spatial Planning and How Bandung City Local Government efforts in the Setup Husein Sastranegara Airport Space in order to meet the standards of airport feasibility. This research uses normative juridical approach method that examines Law Number 26 Year 2007 About Spatial Planning Specification The research is an analytical descriptive of Spatial Planning of Husein Sastranegara Airport connected to the standard of feasibility of the Airport . The research stage is done by conducting library research and interview as secondary data supporting material. The analysis was conducted using qualitative juridical method focusing on the existing regulations as the norm of positive law and without using statistical data but starting from the information relating to the subject matter of Husein Sastranegara Airport Spatial Planning is connected with the airport's feasibility standard. Husein Sastranegara Airport is far from worthy word. Considering Husein Sastranegara Airport has a short runway that is 2400 meters, as well as the layout of Husein Sastranegara Airport which is currently not suitable in making commercial airport. In because Husein Sastranegara Airport is very close to the settlement of residents who make that Husein Sastranegara Airport far from the word worthy and surrounded by mountains that reinforce that the airport is not appropriate in place there.


The Spatial Management, Husein Sastranegara Airport, Standard Qualification Of Airport


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