The Role of the Expert Psychology or Psychiatric Court in Providing Information on The Coverage of Criminal Acts of Murder with by the Women

Shah Falak Radjadiradja, Euis Dudung Suhardiman


Crime is a problem in every society. Crimes can be committed by anyone, both women, and men. Increased crime rates committed by women is mismanaged by the emancipation of women. There are several factors that cause women to commit crimes against life. Factors cause, among others, the cause of economic factors, the influence of others, and also the cause of psychological factors of women themselves, eg arise, embarrassment, hurt, jealousy, depressed, and so forth. In the Criminal Procedure Code. In this research there is an identification that will discuss in this research, that is first how is the role of a psychologist in an examination of crime case done by a woman, second what is a role of psychology in an examination of crime case which obliterates woman life done by a woman. The purpose of this study is to find out how to overcome psychological events in the crime case investigation conducted by women, to know how to analyze the role of psychologists in the examination of crime cases that eliminate the life of a person committed by women. This research uses a normative juridical method, descriptive analysis, and secondary data. The conclusion of this study is first, based on psychological veins in the crime case investigation required let alone done by a woman although the role of psychology is not directly related to the proof of the evidence available. Second, the role of psychology is to help the judge in a unity of lawsuit and the processing of legal cases and crimes such as murder, torture, rape and so on.


Trial, Expert Description, Psychology


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