Review of Juridis Responsibility of BPN in The First Linking Rights to The Land of Connected with The Decree of Bandung Country States Court of Bandung No. 59/G/2016/PTUN-BDG

Billy Fadlan, Lina Jamila


The purpose of the land registration is to provide legal certainty and legal protection to holders of land rights, apartment units and other registered rights so that it can easily prove that he / she is the rightful holder of the land he owns. Land registration is also done to provide information to interested parties including the government in performing legal acts concerning the field of land and apartment units that have been registered. And to organize the orderly administration of land. With the holding of land registration, the parties to the dispute can easily know the status or legal standing of the land it faces, the location, the area, and the restrictions, who has and what burdens are thereon. Registration of this land is done one of them is for the orderly administration of the land so it is necessary to register the land by issuing a certificate of land rights issued by the National Land Agency.


Land registration, legal certainty, National Land Agency.



Jayadi Setiabudi, Panduan Lengkap Mengurus Tanah Rumah Serta Segala Perizinannya, Buku Pintar, Yogyakarta, 2003

Urip Santoso, Hukum Agraria kajian komprehensif, Kencana, Jakarta, 2013

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