Study of Location Requirements of Slaughterhouse to Get Halal Certification According to Regulation of The Minister of Agriculture of The Republic of Indonesia Number 13/OT. 140/1/2010 of The Requirements of Ruminant Slaughterhouse and Meat Cutting Plant and According to Halal Certificate Application Documents of The Indonesian Council of Ulama

Muhamad Reza Saputra, Tatty Aryani Ramli


Terms of a product (in this case is meat) is declared halal is by cutting animals in halal certified slaughterhouses. To obtain halal certified slaugtherhouses requirement that must be fulfilled is about location of a slaughterhouses wich regulated in Regulation of Minister of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia Number 13/OT.140/1/2010 and Document of Application of Halal Certificate of Indonesian Council of Ulama. The rules have a difference that regulates the requirements of the location of slaughterhouses, first is cattle slaughterhouses is separated physically from the location of pig slaughterhouses complex or separated by a wall fence with minimum height of three (3) meters to prevent traffic of intercity tools, appliances and products from both slaughterhouses, second is cattle slaughterhouses has a distance at least 5 km from a pig farm. Therefor this study aims to determine the function of Regulation of Minister of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia Number 13/OT.140/1/2010 About the Requirement of Cutting Ruminants and Meat Cutting Plant and Halal Certificate Application Document of Indonesian Council of Ulama for Slaughterhouse with Halal Certificate, and to know the status of halal certificate of slaughterhouse in Ciroyom Animal Slaughterhouse. This reasearch uses normative judicial method with descriptive analitycal reasearch specification. The data for this study are collected from literature and interview. The results are, the regulation of the Minister of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia Number 13/OT.140/1/2012 functions is to obtain permission to establish slaughterhouse, while Halal Certificate Application Document serves as requirement to obtain halal certificate for slaughterhouse. Furthemore, Ciroyom slaughterhouse status already has halal certificate with Number 01021161570316 issued on March 16,2016 and valid until March 15,2018.


Muslim Consumer Protection, Halal Certification, Slaughterhouse with Halal Certificate



Al-Maidah (5) : 88

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Peraturan Menteri Pertanian Republik Indonesia Nomor 13/OT.140/1/2010 tentang Persyaratan Rumah Potong Hewan Ruminansia dan Unit Penanganan Daging (Meat Cutting Plant)

Dokumen Permohonan Sertifikat Halal Majelis Ulama Indonesia

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