Criminal Responsibility of The Stakeholder's Affairs Affiliates by Anarkis Action in The Demonstration Action Connected with Criminal Code

Dicky Setyadi, Euis Dudung Suhardiman


Rallies or demonstrations, sometimes accompanied also by anarchy by destroying state property, as well as a rally by supporters of the mass of one regional head candidates who are not satisfied with the results of the local elections. Destruction of state property in the rallies is a criminal offense that can be accountable, but in law enforcement there are problems remembering from the absence of limits on the amount the perpetrators, therefore, interesting to be analyzed about the criminal responsibility of the perpetrators destruction of state property in terms of the Criminal Code and law enforcement against criminal acts Destruction of state facilities. Based on the analysis, the research concluded that the criminal responsibility of the perpetrators destruction of state property may be penalized under Article 170 of the Criminal Code is based on the criminal responsibility in shares, as stipulated in Article 55 of the Criminal Code, so that the parties involved in a mass amok with the scope of the crime, will be asked Legal liability. Law enforcement against criminal acts of destruction of state property is based on the criminal justice process through the law enforcement agencies, both police, prosecutor and judge in court based on the assessment capability responsible, refutation and the absence of basic eraser error, whereas to be able to determine that the perpetrators of the criminal act is said to be actors, it must meet the elements of violence by using a form of inclusion must meet the elements participating, among the participants there was cooperation was realized and the implementation of criminal acts together.


Criminal Liability, Criminal Acts, Destruction of State Facilities



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