International and National Air Law Arrangement Related to Aviation Safety Zone Around The Airport Area and it’s Implementation at Husein Sastranegara Airport

Aldy Renaldo, Iman Sunendar


In the current era of globalization requires the effectiveness and efficiency in all areas, including the transportation sector in it. Transportation plays an important role for a country, especially for archipelago-like countries such as Indonesia, in order to improve the economy and level development outcomes throughout the country. To realize the equality requires a fast means of transportation to reach from one island to another island. Until now, the only means of transportation that can meet these criteria are airplanes. The most important issues in aviation are flight safety and security. To realize the safety and security of aviation, it must be supported by good facilities and infrastructure, one of them is with the availability of a good airport and meet the standards that apply both internationally and nationally. Airports in the city of Bandung have not met the requirements of security and flight safety because it is surrounded by high buildings. In this case the issues raised are (1) how the international and national air law arrangements relating to aviation safety zones around the airport area and (2) how the implementation of international and national air law arrangements related to aviation safety zone around Husein Sastranegara airport.


Air Law, Aviation Safety and Security, Airport



Hadi Suharno, Manajemen Perencanaan Bandar Udara, Cetakan Kedua, Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, 2013

Saefullah Wiradipradja, Pengantar Hukum Udara Dan Ruang Angkasa, PT.Alumni, Bandung, 2014

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