Supervision of Securities Companies Repurchase Agreement (Repo) Transactions in The Capital Market

Andre Lawren, Toto Tohir, Frency Siska


Repuchase Agreement Transaction (Repo) is an evolving capital market product and many transacted by market participants. This study aims to determine the legal construction (concept) of Stock Repo transaction, the process of implementation, and supervision of Repo transactions in the capital market. This qualitative and normative legal research focuses on the study of literature and analyze in depth the legal conception of Repo transactions, facts on the market in the form of cases in the capital markets sector, particularly related to the implementation of the Repo transaction in the Indonesian capital market. Repo transaction is a contract of sale or purchase securities with agreements to buy or sell back at a time and a predetermined price, set forth in the agreement. The main elements in the Repo transaction is the price of securities and securities Repo objects. Otoritas Jasa Keuangan has issued regulations Repo guidelines for the Institute of Financial Services that is Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 9/POJK.04/2015 Tentang Pedoman Transaksi Repurchase Agreement Bagi Lembaga Jasa Keuangan, adopted the standard agreement Global Market Repurchase Agreement (GMRA) adapted to the conditions in Indonesia. The things that had not been organized by Repo guideline is becoming more evident. In this thesis discussed about the mechanism of Repo Transactions, the provisions of the Repo Agreement, and legal issues that may arise in Repo transaction, which is expected to prevent violation in the future. It also discussed the efforts undertaken by the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan with preventive and repressive efforts to avoid losses for the parties.


Repo Transaction, Capital Market, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan


Buku-Buku :

Khaerul Umam, Pasar Modal Syariah dan Praktik Pasar Modal Syariah, Pustaka Setia, Bandung, 2013.

Munir Fuady, Pasar Modal Modern; Tinjauan Hukum Islam, PT. Citra Aditya Bhakti, Bandung, 2001.

Hamud M. Balfas, Hukum Pasar Modal Indonesia, PT. Tatanusa, Jakarta, 2006.

Peraturan Perundang – Undangan

Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1995 Tentang Pasar Modal.

Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2011 Tentang Otoritas Jasa Keuangan.

Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 9/POJK.04/2015 Tentang Pedoman Transaksi Repurchase Agreement Bagi Lembaga Jasa Keuangan.

Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia Nomor 10/2/DDM Tanggal 31 Januari 2008 Perihal Transaksi Repurchase Agreement Dengan Bank Indonesia di Pasar Modal.

Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia Nomor 10/37/DPM Tanggal 13 November 2008 Perihal Transaksi Reverse Repo Surat Utang Negara dengan Bank Indonesia Dalam Rangka Operasi Pasar Terbuka.

Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 33/SEOJK.04/2015 Tentang Global Master Repurchase Agreement Indonesia.

Sumber Lain

Aljefri Febrizarli (et.all.), Aspek Hukum Transaksi Repurchase Agreement (REPO) Sebagai Alternatif Pendanaan Bank untuk Memenuhi Likuiditasnya dengan Skema Mini Master Repurchase Agreement (Mini MRA), Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 2014.

Diana Wiyanti, Frency Siska (et.all), Pemeriksaan Tindak Pidana Di Bidang Pasar Modal Dalam Rangka Melaksanakan Fungsi Pengawasan Pasca Lahirnya Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2011 Tentang Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, Jurnal, Prosiding SnaPP Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Humaniora Lembaga Penelitian Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Unversitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, 2014.

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, OJK Beri Sanksi Pelanggaran Pasar Modal kepada PT Inti Kapital Sekuritas dh PT Andalan Artha Advisindo Sekuritas dan Pihak-Pihak Terkait, Siaran Pers NO.SP-8/DKNS/OJK/01/2015, Kementrian Keuangan, 2017.

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, Pengumuman Peringatan 39 Tahun Diaktifkannya Kembali Pasar Modal Indonesia, Kementrian Keuangan, 2016.

Revina Hikmaty Fadilla, Budiharto (et,all), Tanggung Jawab Direksi Perusahaan Sekuritas Yang Melakukan Transaksi Repurchase Agreement (Repo) Obligasi Fiktif, Jurnal, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, 2016.


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