Legal Protection of Sexual Violence Victim Reviewed from The Perspective of Victim Protection and Criminal Law Enforcement in Indonesia

Ilna Nilnayani, Nandang Sambas, Dian Andriasari


This research is based on evidence of high violence and human rights violations against women according to data from the National Commission on Violence Against Women, it shows a significant increase in Indonesia, namely the issue of sexual violence. Cases of criminal acts of sexual violence cause the most difficulties in the settlement either at the stage of investigation, prosecution, or at the stage of the adjudication of the decision. This paper aims to acknowledge and understand the legal protection of victims of sexual violence from the perspective of victim protection and criminal law enforcement in Indonesia and the prospect of criminal law arrangements in Indonesia that are more victim-oriented. This study uses the normative juridical method, which is an approach method that emphasizes the science of law by way of research on positive law as well as trying to examine the rules of applicable law. Data collection techniques used in this study is the study of libraries and internet media, by collecting secondary data from books, scientific articles, articles, journals and documents relating to that in carefully. The result of the research is the mechanism of law enforcement, protection against victims of sexual violence in practice investigators in cooperation with Women and Child Services Unit (PPA) because of psychological problems for victims of sexual violence. Then the existence of rules concerning indemnification in the prospect of sexual violence victims protection in criminal law in the future. 


Sexual Violence, Victim, Legal Protection



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