The Law Enforcement on The Expanding of The Children Exploitation Provided on Investment and Pemperature (Gepeng) Reviewed from Law Number 21 of 2007 Concerning The Trade Of People Jo Law Number 35 Year 2014 Concerning Amendment to Law Number 23 Year 2002 Regarding Child Protection

Juniar Fatmawati, Edi Setiadi


Law No. 20 Year 2002 on the protection of the child as amended by Act No. 35-year 2014 on the protection of Children has not been impacted significantly to the decrease in the level of crimes against children. Proven by still rampant crime against child exploitation in particular street children, employed as an adult even as a vagrant and beggar by the irresponsible people, that give a bad impact for the future of street children. This research is a normative research with descriptive empirical approach, using primary data and secondary data compiled systematically. The purpose of this research is to know and understand the rule of Law Against the perpetrators of the crime syndicate in terms of child exploitation Act No. 21 of the year 2007 on trade Person juncto Act No. 35-year 2014 About protection of Children who are victims of exploitation. The results showed a lack of understanding of the community and law enforcement related legislation against criminal acts involving children in Indonesia, it is becoming an obstacle in law enforcement. The number of rules governing child does not make the number of children who are victims of exploitation are reduced, even numbers tend to increase. Thus it is necessary to the State's role in the implementation of child protection, so that children in Indonesia including street children are protected from exploitation and violence.


Child Protection, Child Exploitation


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“Penelantaran Anak Indonesia: 44 juta Anak Miskin, 4,1 juta Terlantarâ€,, diakses pada hari senin tanggal 15 mei 2017 pukul 19.46 wib


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