The Criminal Policy of Criminal Infringement of Narcotic Authority Connected with Law of Number 35 The Year 2009 about Narcotics in Effects of National Criminal Law Enforcement

Muhammad Luthfi Alighani, Dey Raven


Narcotics is a drug or substance that is useful in the field of health services, development of science and treatment of certain diseases. However, narcotics can be a disadvantage, especially for the younger generation when used in the absence of control and supervision. The problems are often encountered the abuse and distribution of narcotics. Law enforcement of narcotics crime in Indonesia where the government as the organizer of the life of the state needs to provide protection and welfare of the community through various policies that are organized in the national development program. There is a main goal to be achieved from this research is to know and understand the criminal policy in the prevention of narcotic criminal acts according to Law No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics and to know and understand the effectiveness of criminal policies in the prevention of narcotics based on Law No. 35 The year 2009 About Narcotics. This research is analytical descriptive that describes clearly about the provisions related to criminal policy to overcome narcotic crime. The result of the research shows that the implementation of criminal policy toward the handling of criminal actors, especially the convict of the narcotic crime, has been in accordance with the provisions stipulated in Law Number 35 The year 2009 on Narcotics. The effectiveness of a criminal policy is necessary because the criminal policy is part of the criminal law objective. In practice, however, unprofessional legal issues and low public compliance with laws that make criminal policies less effective in narcotics crimes in Indonesia.


Criminal Policy, Narcotics, Counter Narcotics


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