The Settlement of Industrial Dispute Through Mediation between the Unions and PT Andalan Fluid in the Office of Labor, Social, and Transmigration of Bogor City Based on Number 2 of 2004 on Dispute Settlement

Iqbal Bainurrakhman


Over termination of employment (FLE) is a type of industrial disputes most rife in workers/laborers in the city of Bogor. If the layoff dispute is allowed to drag on, then not only will give bad impact on the lives of workers/laborers, but also the survival of the company. Therefore, the necessary institutions and mechanisms for dispute resolution, which is able to resolve disputes layoffs in Bogor with fast, accurate, fair, and cost, through the mediation of industrial relations are facilitated by the mediator of industrial relations at the Department of Labor Bogor. The final task in the form of this thesis aims to find, understand and analyze the implementation of the dispute settlement layoffs through the mediation of industrial relations at the Department of Labor Bogor City, as well as the obstacles encountered and efforts made by the Department of Labor Bogor terms of Act No. 2 of 2004 . this law research using normative juridical approach and specification of descriptive analytical research to describe and review the implementation of mediation in the settlement of industrial relations disputes layoffs in the Department of Labor Bogor City. This legal research using qualitative data analysis juridical, with secondary data processing of primary legal materials, secondary, and tertiary as the main source (especially Law No. 2 of 2004). The results of legal research shows that the implementation of mediation in the settlement of industrial relations disputes layoffs in the Department of Labor Bogor City has not entirely in accordance with Law No. 2 of 2004. Broadly speaking, the obstacles faced by the disputing parties are still many who do not carry out mediation appropriate industrial relations legislation in force, and the efforts made by the Department of Labor is to resolve disputes Bogor layoffs that occur in accordance to Law No. 2 of 2004.


Disputes Settlement, Industrial Relations, Mediation


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