The Authority of the Class II Immigration Office in the Implementation of Foreigners Residence Permit in the Territory of Indonesia Based on Law Number 6 of 2011 on Immigration Policy in Conjunction with Selective Policy Principles

Pratama Panji Akbar


The authority of the Immigration Office is very important to conduct surveillance of foreigners, Immigration Office Class II city of Bogor uphold the values of human rights. Regulated influx of Foreigners who obtain a Residence Permit in Indonesia Region, must comply with the intent and purpose for being in Indonesia. Based on the policy, referred to as well in order to protect national interests, only Stranger that provide benefits and do not jeopardize the security and public order to be allowed to enter and be in Indonesian territory and reject the name of foreigners who are in the list of deterrence. Immigration offices are entitled to information from the local community, examined the building used as a place to stay and perform intelligent operations involving the Police for investigation. So in addition to guard the security and public order, the immigration authorities to conduct surveillance and screening foreign nationals which will provide benefits and advantages for Indonesia region. Although it is very difficult to determine the status of foreigners who will visit and foreigners who had been displaced, the immigration will remain careful to select the foreigners who will enter the territory of Indonesia. therefore immigration coordinate with the UNHCR to supervise foreigners that principles remain selective policy implemented. The Immigration perform application of administrative sanctions if there is a violation of residence permit. Which include deportation, arrest, and deterrence or quarantine. The application of sanctions administratively more effective and efficient, as sanctioned administratively more appropriate and acceptable by foreigners, foreigners will be deported will be quarantined, if not done quarantine it is feared will commit illegal acts or escape and mingle with the people, so it will it is difficult to conduct a search. The principle of selective policy in order to keep it running, Act No. 6 Year 2011 on Immigration became a foundation to facilitate the task of the Immigration Party.


Immigration, Law, Selective Policy


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