Government Efforts to Overcome Farmer Losses Due to Harvest Failure as a Form of Farmer Protection in Pamarican District of Ciamis Regency Based on Rule

Dinni Aprilliani


One of the government's efforts in order to protect farmers. It is  by way of compensation due to crop failure meant to ensure the welfare of farmers. However, there are still many farmers who are in a lower economic level that raises many problems. The problem could be that the higher levels of poverty due to farmers' welfare are neglected and tends to be ignored. In 2014 there has been a crop failure in the Pamarican district of Ciamis Regency namely in 2013 rice production to 44 801, while in 2014 amounted to 35 819 tonnes. The purpose of this study was to examine the legislation governing the classification criteria or crop failure as a form of protection of farmers and to examine the extent to which the government's efforts in conducting compensation to farmers due to crop failure. This research is descriptive analytical research that describes how laws and regulations be implemented if we are to associate rules with other legal theories based and analyze the data obtained in practice. With the method of juridical normative, reviewing the norms and principles contained in the secondary data consists of primary legal materials, secondary and tertiary through data collection techniques studies document that is a study of the documents are closely related to the case that researchers examined, to get theoretical basis. Results of research addressing that in legislation both in Law Number 19 Year 2013 About Protection and Empowerment of Farmers and the Minister of Agriculture Number 40/Permentan/SR.230/7/2015 On Agricultural Insurance Facility does not mention even explain the classification or criteria of crop failure. Efforts by the government in overcoming the losses of farmers due to crop failure in the district of Ciamis regency Pamarican by way of implementation of agricultural insurance which at present has reached the second stage implementation of agricultural insurance that the data collection phase of anyone farmers would receive compensation later when crop failure


Farmers Losses, Failed Harvest, Regulation Legislation


Philip Kristanto, Ekologi Industri, Abdi Offset, Yogyakarta, 2013

Ronny Hanitijo Soemitro, Metode Penelitian Hukum dan Jurimetri, Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta.

Soekartawi, Pengantar Agroindustri, RajaGrafindo Persada, Jakarta, 2000.

Zainal Asikin, Pengantar Ilmu Hukum, Rajawali Pers, Jakarta, 2012.

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 19 Tahun 2013 Tentang Perlindungan Dan Pemberdayaan Petani.

Peraturan Menteri Pertanian Republik Indonesia Nomor 40/Permentan/SR.230/7/2015 Tentang Fasilitas Asuransi Pertanian.


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