The Notification System of Imported Cosmetic Products in the Framework of the ASEAN Economic Community Based on the Minister of Health Regulation Number 1176/Menkes/PER/VIII/2010 on the Cosmetics Notification Regulation in Conjunction with National Drug and Food Supervision Agency Number 27

Andita Intan Rachmadini


Entry into force of the ASEAN Economic Community by the end of December 2015 is an opportunity as well as challenges to be faced by consumers, given the results of the supervision of the POM, the level of violations in cosmetic products reached 74% violations originating from imported cosmetic products. ASEAN harmonization in the field of cosmetics that have been agreed upon Indonesia to make changes in the system for the registration of cosmetic products prior registration system into a system of notification. This thesis will discuss the rules regarding notification system imported cosmetics products circulating in the territory of Indonesia and notification system in providing protection to consumers. Writing this paper receipts normative juridical approach using secondary data law made primary, secondary and tertiary. The data obtained and analyzed qualitatively. Specifications of this research is descriptive analysis that comprehensively describe the system of notification of imported cosmetic products circulating in Indonesian territory in the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Regulations regarding the notification system in cosmetic products contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 1176/Menkes/PER/VIII/2010 On Alert Cosmetics and Regulatory Agency of Drug and Food No. 27 Year 2013 About the Supervision of Food and Drug Importation into the Territory of Indonesia. Consumer protection through the notification system includes the protection of the right to the comfort, security, and safety in consumption of goods and or services, the right to choose the goods and or services and obtain goods and or services in accordance with the exchange rate and conditions and guarantees promised, right correct information, clear and honest about the condition and guarantee of goods and or services, because cosmetics notification system has the following criteria to be filed, the rights of consumers to be heard opinions and complaints on goods or services used were fulfilled in the notification system cosmetic products because POM provides access via telephone, SMS, or come to the office of the POM to be able to hear consumer complaints.


Asean Economic Community, the Notification System, Cosmetic Products Imports


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Peraturan Perundang-Undangan

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