The Implementation of Worker Health Insurance in BPJS Based on Law Number 24 Year 2011 on BPJS in Conjunction with Optimal Health Rights for Workers

Gilang Ramadhan Setiawan


Implementation services health insurance for workers conducted by BPJS-Health still has many obstacles encountered in the service of optimal health. It is ranging from the constraints of participation, health facilities, and the limited health workforce. The result is not optimal its services provided to the participants. The details of the Presidential Regulation Number 111 of 2013, section 25 of the service are not guaranteed BPJS-Health is that the treatment carried out outside the country was not given guarantees of BPJS-Health. This is very difficult for citizens and workforce Indonesia who work abroad to get the service, while the differences in contributions paid by the government and paid by community groups of workers not wage earners who choose a class III is not in accordance with the theory of equality before the law. Healthcare model that is used by the Social Security Agency to protect the right to health workers is Health System Model. Because it is formed and managed by the state, and the state in collaboration with health organizations that exist for the provision of health facilities, participants BPJS divided into two groups namely PBI and non-PBI jointly managed in health BPJS different with the organizers before taking service model structure social which focuses only on labor.


Labor, BPJS, Optimal Health Rights


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