Leave and Rest Time Granting for Women Labors Based on Protection of Women's Reproductive Rights According to Law Number 13 of 2003 on Employment (a Case Study in Farina Beauty Clinic, Karawang)

Lidiana Sulvi, Rini Irianti Sundary


Manpower development aims to provide employment and business fields for each of the labor force so as to obtain a job and a decent living for humanity. The protection of labor is an inherent basic rights and protected by the Constitution as stipulated in Article 27 paragraph (2) of the Act of 1945. One of the problems that arise with regard to women workers, namely the protection of reproductive rights. The issue is very important because only reproductive rights are owned by women, such as menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding is a condition that is very significant for the continuity and quality of a generation. Based on the nature of that then arise of the special rights for women workers with regard to reproductive functions as stipulated in Law No. 13 Year 2003 on Manpower. One form of protection for women workers, namely the provision of breaks and/or leave related to reproductive functions, such as break and/or leave during pregnancy, childbirth, menstruation and when workers are experiencing fall. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the implementation of the provision of breaks and/or leave for female workers with regard to the right to reproductive Farina Beauty Clinic Karawang. The method used in this research is using normative juridical approach is research done by examining data or library materials in the form of legislation that Labor Law and the various kinds of literature and specification of research is descriptive analytic form of analyzing the provisions of the applicable law and analyzed using theories of legal policies that are relevant to the protection of women workers. Results of research conducted shows that Farina Beauty Clinic not meet the protection of reproductive rights of women workers under the provisions of the Employment Act. This can be seen in granting time off for workers who are pregnant and giving birth, and suffered a miscarriage is not in accordance with the provisions of Article 82 (eighty two) Labor Law. And the unavailability of special rooms for breastfeeding or expressing milk for women workers who are still breastfeeding. Keywords: Breaks and/or leave, Labor Women, Reproductive Rights.


Breaks and/or leave, Labor Women, Reproductive Rights.



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Peraturan Perundang-undangan

Undang-undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.2456

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