Analysis of hard metal (Pb and Cd) on Milkfish (Chanos chanos)

wildan nawaludin, Diar Herawati, Arlina Prima Putri


One of fishery products consumed by many people is milkfish. Milkfish is a fishery commodity that has delicious taste and crispy so it becomes a great vogue around the people and possibly contains hard metal. Waste contained hard metal must be paid more and special attention, because in certain concentrationcan effect dangerous toxic for human life and the environment. The objective of this reserach is to determine hard mental content on milkfish on sale in traditional market of Cihaurgeulis Bandung. the hard metals orserved are Pb and Cd using absorption spectrophotometry of atom.  In sample preparation with 7,5 gr of dry sample added with nitrate acid and peroxide hydrogen added by enough aquadest and destructed and then measured using   absorption Spectrophotometry of Atom (SSA). The content obtained is under the maximum limit of metal pollution on fishes and its processes set by SNI 7387: 2009 on Pb (0,3 mg/kg) dan Cd (0,1 mg/kg).


Milkfish (Chanos chanos), hard metal, Pb and Cd, spectrophotometry of atom absorption.


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