Isolation of flavonoid substance from blossom extract of banana with seeds (Musa balbisiana Colla)

siti masriatul walida, Endah Rismawati, Undang A Dasuki


This research describe Isolation of flavonoid substance from blossom extract of banana with seeds (Musa balbisiana Colla). The research is started by making simplicia, extraction using compound maserasion method using n-heksana solvent, acetate ethyl, and 70%. Observation with KLT, eluen h-heksan to those three extracts: ecetate ethyl (7:3) and cloroform: ecetate ethyl (6:4) with spotted appearance AlCl3. The chosen extract is fracsinated with liquid-vacuum cromatography using gradient elusion system. The chosen fraction is purified with preparative using movement phase of acetate ethyl: cloroform (8:2) and obtained isolate is identified using UV-visible spectrophotometer and gestalt reagent AlCl3/ HCl. The spectrum result shows that there are two top absoptions on the phase of 373 dan 255 nm. The identification result shows that the obtained isolate is flavonoid of flavonol category with the value of Rf 0,65 on KLT observation using movement phase of n-heksana: acetate ethyl (7:3).


Musa balbisiana Colla, isolation, flavonoid, banana with seeds blossom,


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