Isolation and identification of flavonoid compound from bowl plant leaves (Polyscias scutellarium (Burm.f.) Fosb).

Siti Nur Faridatussaadah, Yani Lukmayani, Undang A Dasuki


The research describes  Isolation and identification of flavonoid compound from bowl plant leaves (Polyscias scutellarium (Burm.f.) Fosb). The result of fitochemistry shows there is a category of alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, triterpenoid/steroid, and polifenolat. The extraction is done by using maserasi method, it results in thick extract as many as 323,96 gram with extract bath of 32,396%. The fractsination id done using liquid-liquid extraction methode with n-heksan solvent, estate ethyl, and water. Subfracsination is done for asetate ethyl fraction with UV-Visible chromatography with elusion system. Purification process is done using preparative KLT with silent phase of silica gel GF254 and movement phase of n-heksan: acetate ethyl (6:4) up to it results isolate. Ioslate purification and characterization is tested ultra-purple- visible spectrophotometry. Characterization is then done using gestalt reagent of NaOH, AlCl3, dan AlCl3/HCl. The result of characterization concludes that isolate of bowl plant leaves (Plyscias scutellarium (Burm.f.) Fosb is flavonoid compound of auron category.


Isolation, flavonoid, auron, bowl plant.


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