Qualitative and quantitative analysis of Ponceau 4R Ci 16255 dye (E 124) on Lollipop candy and snack-syrop using UV-visible spectrophotometry method.

Tsamrotul Fuadah Ahmad, Bertha Rusdi, Hilda Aprilia


Dye is one of food suplement substance groups that oftenly used for foods and  beverage to make them interesting. Ponceau 4R is one of them that oftenly used for any foods and beverage such as snack-syrop and Lollipop candy those are for sale in area of Cileunyi-Cibiru-Rancaekek. However, the use limit of lollipop candy is 100 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg for syrop each day. Those kinds of foods cause health upsets such as allergy, and liver cancer. Therefore, the research must be conducted. The results show that there are 4 of 15 syrops and 5 of 12 lollipop candy contain higher limit of maximum usage of ponceau 4R.


Ponceau 4R dye, Lollipop candy, snack- syrop.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.3054

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