Formulation Of Antioxidant Microemulsion Containing Black Cumin Oil (Nigella Sativa Linn) And Cinnamon Bark Extract (Cinnamomun burmanni Ness Ex BI).

wulandari wijayanti suherman, Sani Ega Priani, Amila Gadri


Excessive oxidation reaction in body and skin may lead to both early aging and skin cancer. One method of protecting skin from
free radical is using the preparations of antioxidant. Black cumin oil and cinnamon bark extract (CB) have antioxidant activities. This research is designed to produce the preparations of microemulsion containing black cumin oil and cinnamon bark extract, and to examine antioxidant activity and humidity of preparations. The extract produced is filtered, the total phenol of black cumin oil and cinnamon bark extract (CB), the optimal microemulsion formula of black cumin oil in five variations of preparations, the evaluation of physical microemulsion reparations of cumin oil including organoleptic, centrifugation, and freeze thaw are put in the test. The formula of microemulsion extract (CB) is created and evaluation of physical characteristics is made based on organoleptic, homogeneity, centrifugation of freeze thaw, rheology, pH, and viscosity. And the antioxidant activities are examined by means of free radical damping using DPPH and humidity test. The results of this research is that the formula of black cumin oil and microemulsion extract have antioxidant activities and the formula of microemulsion extract has significant increase in humidity value.


Black cumin oil, cinnamon bark, microemulsion, DPPH, humidity test


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