The content of Fatty Acid of Cacao seed (Theobroma Cacao L.) resulted from Fermented And Nonfermented With Gc-Ms Method

Rida Herlinda, Indra Topik Maulana, Esti Rachmawati Sadiyah


Cacao seed (Theobroma cacao L.) is one of the ingredients that has large usage in market community such as food, beverage or other additional substance in pharmacy. Fermentation is one of the most important parts of cocoa seed processing to improve its quality based on colour, smell and taste appeared. One of the largest contents of cocoa seed is oil, a source of fatty acid from vegetable fat. Oleic acid is fatty acid oftenly found inside vegetable fat and useful for health. The objective of this observation is to compare the fatty acid contents of fermented and nonfermented cocoa seed by using GC-MS Method. The result of extraction by using Soxhlet is 23,89% of oil yield from nonfermented cacao seed . 12,11% is from natural fermented cacao seed and 16,74% is from fermented cacao seed oil by adding yeast. Based on the analytical result by chromatography gas-spectroscophy mass (GC-MS), there are the differences of the content saturated fatty acid and unsaturated fatty acid in all groups. Non fermented cacao seed oil has more unsaturated fatty acid content than the saturated fatty acid. While, the oil from fermented cacao seed has dominant saturated fatty acid than unsaturated fatty acid.


Cacao seed, fatty acid, fermentation, GC-MS


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