Analysis of amino acid composition in capsule shells of cow gelatin estimated pork gelatin using Ultra high Performance Liquid Chromatography

Siti Nadiyaturrahmah Madani, Nety Kurniaty, Diar Herawati


Amino acid composition analysis in cow gelatin capsule shell and supposed as pork gelatin using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UPLC). The stage of the study comprises the withdrawal of four samples consisted of cow gelatin supposed as pork gelatin, capsule shell with and without ‘hala’ (license) label, amino acid hydrolysis, derivation of amino acid, and amino acid profile analysis have been done. The analysis of contents of all four samples suggests that highest amino acids are glycine and proline; the highest contents of amino acids are equal the content of amino acid in earlier study (Syafiqoh, 2014) using HPLC, while the lowest content of amino acid obtained in this study is cysteinic amino acid and is found the significant difference in the amount of content as compared with earlier studies.


UPLC, composition analysis, Amino acid, Gelatin, Capsule shell.


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